Junior School R-6

The Junior School at Gawler & District College B-12 caters for all R-6 students, across 10 classes.

The Junior School leadership team comprises: Head of Junior School, Assistant Head of Junior School, Student Wellbeing Leader, Literacy Coordinator and a Numeracy Coordinator. 

We have three NIT teachers who provide specialist lessons of Science, Physical Education and Japanese to our students.


During literacy time classes are involved in a program called The Daily 5.

This sees students engaged in tasks around 5 concepts: Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, Word Work and Work on Writing.

R-2 classes have begun introducing The Daily 5 to their students with our Years 3-6 classes having it embedded into their literacy time already.


Maths learning is linked strongly to the concept of a Growth Mindset from the Positive Education Framework.

Staff have been involved in Professional Learning around “Mathematical Mindsets” by a well-known Professor from Stanford University, Jo Boaler. Her belief is that all students can learn maths and that it is a fun, engaging and interactive learning area for students to be involved in.

In our Sub-School we challenge our learners to believe in themselves and that they can achieve great results if they have a go and use their Growth Mindset.

Intervention Programs

We have various intervention programs to assist the learning of some of our students.

We have staff trained in MiniLit, MacqLit, QuickSmart and TooSmart with intervention groups running daily.

21st Century Learning

We have a strong 21st century learning focus with classes having access to iPads, laptops and Interactive Whiteboards.

We use online programs like Reading Eggs, Mathletics, Spellodrome Sunshine Online and Literacy Pro to support our learning. Reading Eggs, Mathletics and Spellodrome are accessible from home for students as well.


STEM (Science Technology Engineering Maths) learning is a growing practice in our Sub-School. Students are involved in STEM lessons with the help of our “STEM Kits”.

We have simple programming and robotics technology as well that immerses students in new forms of learning. “To succeed in this new information-based and highly technological society, students need to develop their capabilities in STEM to levels much beyond what was considered acceptable in the past.” (National Science Foundation).

We are excited to see where STEM takes us in the future and we are eager to uses our new STEM facilities once they are completed.

Tree-mendous Tree Program

The School Values are strongly linked to our positive behaviour reward system known as the “Tree-mendous Tree” Program. Students receive vouchers for modelling our school values and positive behaviours.

Vouchers earn students coloured leaves that are then displayed on our “Tree-mendous Tree” in the Activity Hall. The leaf levels and the vouchers needed to achieve that level are as follows: Jade (25), Bronze (50), Silver (100), Gold (200) and Jacaranda (400).

If students receive Jacaranda status, they and their families are invited to a special morning tea with our principal.


We have a strong wellbeing focus in the Junior School.

Wellbeing is led by our Student Wellbeing Leader with the support of our AET (Aboriginal Education Teacher), ACEOs (Aboriginal Community Education Officers), Pastoral Care Worker and wider school staff.

Students have access to our Breakfast Program in the mornings before school. Classes each have SLC (Student Leadership Committee) Representatives to foster a culture of student voice in our school.

We are delighted to work alongside our parents and caregivers to teach the next generation of lifelong learners.

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