Positive Education
Positive Education in the Junior School
Positive Education in the Junior School is a growing initiative. The Framework is divided into 6 domains:
- Positive Accomplishment
- Positive Emotions
- Positive Engagement
- Positive Relationships
- Positive Emotions and
- Positive Health
Underpinning all of these domains is the 24 Character Strengths. Anyone can take the VIA Character Strengths survey to see what strengths are more a part of your personality. You can access the survey here: https://www.viacharacter.org/survey/account/register
We have worked our way through the Positive Accomplishment domain with a strong emphasis on having a Growth Mindset instead of Fixed Mindset. The notion being, “we can’t do it....yet!” We teach our students that having a Growth Mindset will greatly assist them in their learning.
For the first half of 2017 we have focussed on the Positive Emotions domain. We spent a lot of time learning about the 10 Positive Emotions: Joy, Gratitude, Serenity, Interest, Hope, Pride, Amusement, Inspiration, Awe and Love. Emotions establish our attitude towards reality, and provide our drive for all of life’s pleasures. They are also linked to our biological systems and warn us of dangers or draw us to something exciting, engaging and/or pleasurable. We have focussed on the10 Positive Emotions because we felt these were the most important emotions for students to have an understanding of as learners and future members of society.
Our focus for the remainder of 2017 is the Positive Engagement domain. Teachers are working with students around what engagement means and how they can be fully immersed in their learning.
Be sure to ask your children what they have been learning in Positive Education!