Disability Unit
Gawler & District College B -12 Secondary Disability Unit opened at the beginning of term 2, 2018. The unit supports and provides learning opportunities for students with disabilities in Years 8 -12 who have a complex range of special needs. These disabilities may include hearing impairment, visual impairment, physical impairment, intellectual impairment, speech language impairment and autistic spectrum disorder.
The Unit consists of two specially designed classrooms to cater for a cohort of 16 students. Students access a modified curriculum with a strong focus on life skills and community access programs to help prepare them for life after school. Subjects are designed to address students’ individual needs in the areas of work preparation, leisure skills, relationships, communication, literacy and numeracy skills and community awareness.
Enrolling your child at the Secondary Disability Unit is completed through the regional Education District Office, when your child is in Year 7. A transition program is then instigated in Term 4 of the year to prepare them for the following year.
Secondary Special Class
Years 8 and 9
- A broad and balanced curriculum across the 7 Learning Areas
- Life skills embedded across all learning areas
- Access to a range of sporting and other extra-curricular activities
- Celebration of student achievements and success
- Encouragement of student leadership and participation in decision-making
- A program linked to the Australian Curriculum topics and general capabilities
- Information Technology embedded across the curriculum
Students have access to all learning areas, completing units from each of the 7 Learning Areas
- Visual and Performing Arts - drama, music and visual art
- English
- Health & Physical Education
- Mathematics
- Science and Agricultural Science
- Technology Studies
Senior Special Class - Modified SACE
Students in the Senior Special Class undertake a Modified SACE. The Modified SACE offers a range of subjects to provide opportunities for students with disabilities to demonstrate their learning. Modified subjects allow students to develop their capabilities and personal learning goals. Students learn how to identify, develop, and achieve their personal learning goals in the context of the subject undertaken.
A student’s achievement in a modified subject will be reported as ‘completed’, with the appropriate number of SACE credits. The SACE certificate will indicate that the student has achieved a Modified SACE.
The following modified subjects are available at Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the SACE:
- Business andEnterprise: Modified
- Creative Arts: Modified
- Cross-disciplinary Studies: Modified
- English Pathways: Modified
- Health: Modified
- Mathematics Pathways: Modified
- Personal Learning Plan: Modified
- Research Project: Modified
- Scientific Studies: Modified
- Society and Culture: Modified
Labs ‘n Life Program
Currently we have 3 groups of Middle School students participating in the Labs ‘n Life program. This program runs onsite for a period of 10 weeks. The program is designed to give students positive learning experiences at school.
Students gain a lot from the program including:
- An interest in training Labradors in basic obedience and the experience of what it is like to train a Labrador for the specific purpose of improving the lives of others
- An understanding of how the dogs are used in the wider community and the impact on the lives of people who own the dogs
- An understanding of citizenship and their role in becoming an effective and productive part of wider society
- The ability to work together as a team with the dog, trainer and others in the group
- Developing literacy skills around reflecting on what they are doing and have achieved
Barkuma Transition Program
In 2018 we have a number of Year 12 students undertaking the Barkuma Transition Program. This 12 month program is designed to assist final year students with disability and learning difficulties in make the smooth transition from school to future pathways. The Program provides structured learning, skill development and work placement opportunities. Students are also offered links to services that provide ongoing training and support to find and keep a job.
For more information please visit the Barakuma website